Boosting Your skills

Group programs

Our group programs are developed to take a realistic approach to therapy.

We have developed a program where you, with the help of our team, can identify key areas of ideal growth and work towards small manageable goals throughout an 8-10 weeks timeframe to see a real difference and improvement in that identified area.

How it works

How do group programs work

  • Bringing together groups of people of similar age, with similar goals to work towards common goals – together.
  • Delivering REAL WORLD therapy and getting the outcomes that you and your loved ones deserve.
  • Working across the lifespan, from childhood to adolescence and adulthood to break therapy down into manageable and engaging steps.
  • Providing programs that have a better outcome when they are delivered with a group approach to emulate the real world.

What we offer

Discover our group programs

We offer various group programs for clients. Send your enquiry to

2024 All Group Programs

The Brotherhood! - Teen Boys Grow Independence & Navigate Relationships

Ready Set Go! - Prep (school) Readines

Social Detectives

Animal Care

Art Expression

Skills Group - Basic Meal Prep

Skills Group - Chores & Self-Care

Nature Based Occupational Therapy / Groups

Bounce Trampolining

FunFit Kids

Xmas School Holiday - Mixed Program

Sisterhood - Teen Girls

Adult Mixed Program

Areas we support

How can we help you